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Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of degree atau adverbia tingkatan ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan intensitas atau tingkatan suatu tindakan (verb), sifat (adjective), atau kata keterangan lainnya (another adverb).

Adverbia yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan tingkatan ini adalah: almost, nearly, bit, little, fairly, pretty, rather, quite, just, too, slightly, enough, absolutely, really, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely.

Perhatikan contoh berikut:
- Laura is a bit tired. She's been working all morning.
- Mark is quite tired. He's been working all day.
- Sarah is very tired. She's had to work late at the office.

Adverbs of degree di atas menunjukkan tingkatan dari rasa capek atau lelah (tired), apakah sedikit capek, cukup capek, atau sangat capek.

Letak adverbs of degree sebelum adjektiva atau adverbia lain:
- Rita looked rather upset. (sebelum adjektiva)
- This dress is absolutely marvellous. (sebelum adjektiva)
- We go on holiday fairly soon. (sebelum adjektiva)
- United played extremely well. (sebelum adverbia)
- This dress is absolutely marvellous. (sebelum adverbia)

Beberapa adverbs of degree menerangkan verba (diletakkan sebelum verba):
- My foot is really hurting.
- Laura quite enjoys shopping.
- I rather like this cake.

Beberapa adverbs of degree yang terletak diakhir kalimat yang menerangkan verba (a bit, a little, a lot, awfully, much, terribly). Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
- Mark travels a lot.
- I'll open the window a little.
- The animals suffer terribly.

Adverbia absolutely, completely dan totally bisa diletakkan di tengah atau di akhir kalimat:
- We completely lost our way.
- We lost our way completely.
- I'm afraid I totally disagree.
- I'm afraid I disagree totally.

Contoh lainnya lagi:
- We almost didn’t get there in time.
- I have nearly finished the words for your songs.
- It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend.
- I got paid a little bit of money.
- Both cars are fairly new.
- That performance was pretty impressive.
- He was just leaving when the phone rang.
- I don’t quite know what to do next.
-The walls were not white, but rather a short of dirty grey.
- It’s too late to do anything about it now.
- They will be slightly more expensive but they last a lot longer.
- I hadn’t trained enough for the game.
- It was absolutely pouring with rain.
- I was really fond of Ann.
- We hardly know each other.
- There was scarcely a tree left standing after the storm.
- Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.
- At last he had his very own car.
- She found it extremely difficult to get a job.

Seperti halnya adjektiva, adverbia juga mempunyai tingkatan perbandingan yang disebut comparative (–er/more) dan superlative (–est/most).

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